Welcoming New Leadership

Joy Ravelli, Founder

Dear friend,

It is with an open heart and sincere delight that I share with you the news that there are new owners of Purusha Studio San Francisco. 

To use the word “owner” has never felt right to me. This studio has sustained me by providing the opportunity to be in service. Purusha Studio is truly a living entity. All of the love of each and every student that has come and gone and come back again has been imprinted into its spaces. All of your energy is alive and well here, and Purusha Studio will live on and on. 

The new owners, Jen Betti and Kopal Maheshwari, are absolutely perfect for Purusha. They fit in immediately. Their intelligence, experience, and dedication to our community will be a gift to us all. 

And so it is. I pass the torch on to them, knowing that they will indeed usher Purusha into its next best iteration. 

I will remain a teacher, community member and continue to provide workshops, courses and private sessions.

In continued service and gratitude,


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