
Purusha Holistic Yoga School

Attend the school in-person, by live-stream, or self paced recordings.
Your unique life experiences & deepest truth will form the foundation of your teaching

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Purusha Holistic Yoga School

Purusha Holistic Yoga teaches classic yoga and modern science. This ancient knowledge is now validated with ongoing current research.  Yoga is an integrative part of an emerging whole health system.  Our school provides specialized certifications to Health Professionals, Counselors, Educators, and people seeking a whole new career pathway.  You can join our school to enrich your own personal life and watch how transformation happens around you and through you. These powerful practices create change.  We suggest you start with your 200 hour Holistic Yoga Teacher Training as a foundation for learning the 8 limb system of classic holistic yoga.

Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science

Holistic Approach

At every level of training and within each course there is a strong and consistent pedagogy of integrating the complete human experience through the five Kosha holistic model. This includes physical, mental/emotional, wisdom, energetic, and spiritual levels as well as community and lifestyle practices.

Become An Authentic Leader

Our goal is to gently guide you toward exploring, discovering, and expressing your own unique truth, talents and skills. As you cultivate this deeper understanding of yourself as an emerging teacher, guide, healer and coach you will naturally attract the clients you are meant to lead. You will learn modern methodologies such as those used in typical counseling psychology, somatic experiencing, exercise science, social/emotional growth, and human potential.

At Purusha you will gain a strong aptitude to address all stages of life and serve all people, especially those who would not otherwise be exposed to these practices such as under served and at-risk populations.

Serve Your Community

Progressive Education

Enjoy a project-based, progressive style of learning. We continuously update our curriculum and teaching staff to reflect and address diversity, equity, inclusion. We strive to include the most innovative thinkers and creative teachers available. Your unique learning style will be respected.

Hybrid & Remote Learning Options

We’ve developed several learning formats to meet your lifestyle and personal needs:

  • 100% online with video on demand and drip content.
  • Online, Zoom livestream from anywhere in the world.
  • In-person in San Francisco & on-location at various retreat locations.

"The end results are not ours to claim. All we truly have is the journey.”

-Bhagavad Gita

Level I: Holistic Yoga
Teacher Training

200-Hr. RYT

200 Hour Holistic Yoga Teacher Training is the starting place for all of your professional Yoga Training. This course provides you with a strong foundation.  In this course you will learn how to create and deliver a quality holistic yoga class that provides a safe, effective, and inspiring practice to a wide variety of students. 

Level II: Advanced
Holistic Yoga Teacher

300-Hr. RYT

Accomplish your second level of training by fulfilling your required 300 hours. You can mix and match from our menu of specialized tracks and areas of study. Each course provides its own certification.

Specialized Courses for Health Professionals

We have courses specifically designed to accommodate your professional track such as those in demand for Health Professionals, Fitness Professionals, Bodyworkers, Coaches and Counselors.

I can’t recommend this yoga studio any more highly. It’s a breath of fresh air compared to some of the more trendy/culty studios. Yoga should be for everyone, and you can really feel the loving community at Purusha. The yoga instructors are phenomenal.

JASMINE H. | Purusha Yoga Student

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can register with the Yoga Alliance and with the IAYT upon finishing each level of training.

Yes, We do accept transfer students. Please book a 30 minute discovery call to explore which level and/or courses are best suited for you.

Yes, you can join the school at any level of expertise, or experience.  We welcome and celebrate everyone.

The Purusha Yoga School was founded in 1999 by Joy Ravelli.

Yes, you can pay monthly or in full. You do save money by paying in full.

Ready to elevate your practice? 

Activate your Starter Membership today and get your first 3 months at just $88 dollars

Lock in the lowest monthly unlimited price of $125 after!

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