
Creativity Workshop with “The Artist’s Way”

Purchase Tickets Unlock your creativity, overcome artistic blocks, and develop a sustainable creative routine among a supportive community. Join Rachel Ravelli at Purusha for a Creativity Workshop with “The Artists Way” This 12 week workshop inspired by the "The Artists Way" by Julia Cameron, is designed to help participants unlock their creativity, overcome artistic blocks, and develop a sustainable creative routine. each week, we will explore different themes and exercises from the book, engage in group discussions, and support one another in our creative journeys. This workshop is designed to be a supportive and enriching experience, helping each participant to discover and nurture their unique creative potential. Bring a journal, pen and the book "The Artists Way" by Julia Cameron. Drop-ins welcome for a sliding scale price of $15-30. Staring on 7/10 - come for one or all! Wednesdays, 5:30pm - 6:45pm


Yin & Restorative Yoga Certification

Get certified in Yin & Restorative Yoga, exploring unique techniques and therapeutic practices to engage the subtle and physical body. Learn how to teach Yin and Restorative Yoga. As well as the postures found in the Yin and Restorative traditions you will also learn 5 element assists, Authentic movement, somatic inquiry, and accommodation for common diseases and concerns. Purusha methodology includes unique techniques and therapeutic practices that will enable you and your students to deepen your understanding of the subtle layers of mind, body, energy and consciousness. By bringing clients into specific therapeutic asanas we set the stage for learning practices that explore relaxation, letting go, witnessing what is, and connecting to parts of ourselves and spiritual source that promote entirely new paradigms of relationship with sensation, nature, and all realms of experience. This voyage of exploration and progressive mastery takes place by learning to arrange the physical body into positions that are restorative, relaxing, therapeutic and completely supported while also expertly navigating deeper and deeper pathways of consciousness. Purusha Yoga Yin, Restorative & Therapeutic Asana is a deep dive into the five layers or ‘koshas’ of somatic experiences, neuromuscular pathways, the five senses, and time/space/experience integration. The specific postures are just the starting point for layering mind and body, energy and consciousness, and eventual evolution of transformation on every level of the human ‘being’.


Creativity Workshop with “The Artist’s Way”

Unlock your creativity, overcome artistic blocks, and develop a sustainable creative routine among a supportive community, in just 12 weeks. « All Events Creativity Workshop with “The Artist’s Way” September 25 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm $23.18 Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/creativity-workshop-with-the-artists-way-tickets-951130245167 Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Yin & Restorative Yoga Certification Vibe at the Studio - Local Live Music

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